Harley Clarke Priority Preservation Campaign

Thank you for your donation!

Please consider increasing your impact by sharing this campaign.

Your donation will ensure the building gets the attention it needs now in order to avoid more costly repairs or maintenance from being necessary in the future. Importantly, the difference your pledge or donation makes won’t be contingent on the success of any one plan over another in the City of Evanston’s Request for Proposal outcome in February 2020.

If you are interested in joining our efforts, learning more about the organization, or have an idea about how you might otherwise get involved, please email us at admin@friendsofharleyclarke.org.

Friends of Harley Clarke is a U.S. 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Illinois. Donations are tax-deductible. Our federal tax ID # is 83-2913873.

Checks may be sent to:
Friends of Harley Clarke
c/o Jennifer Shadur
823 Clinton Place
Evanston, IL 60201