Make a real impact

Your generous donation can cover or begin to address some of the following immediate items -- the first step to restoring the stunning Harley Clarke mansion and Jens Jensen Gardens and ensuring future community use regardless of which plan is ultimately selected by the City of Evanston.


Priority Preservation Campaign

In September 2019, at our request, our friends at Landmarks Illinois worked with award-winning Wiss, Janney, Elstner engineering firm to do a top to bottom, ballroom to basement assessment of the building to determine immediate or urgent needs. What they found was that despite years of deferred maintenance, the building was in surprisingly solid shape.

The WJE report provided maintenance or stabilization priorities in three stages. Our plan is to use that report as a road map forward, while staying true to our mission to preserve and protect the building, regardless of what its ultimate public use might become.

Your pledge or donation today will help ensure the building gets the attention it needs now in order to avoid more costly repairs or maintenance from being necessary in the future. Importantly, the difference your pledge or donation makes won’t be contingent on the success of any one plan over another in the City of Evanston’s Request for Proposal outcome in February 2020.

Checks may be sent to:
Friends of Harley Clarke
c/o Jennifer Shadur
823 Clinton Place
Evanston, IL 60201

Friends of Harley Clarke is a U.S. 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Illinois. Donations are tax-deductible. Our federal tax ID # is 83-2913873.

* Disclaimer: Impact levels shown are only examples of what your dollars can do. Directed gifts are available for donations of $15,000 and greater. All other donations will be entered into the Priority Preservation Fund and used for projects in the most fiscally responsible manner.

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. Condition Assessment, September 11, 2019